مدل سازی زمین شناسی

PetroMOD 2024.1

نوشته شده توسط Super User. ارسال در مدل سازی زمین شناسی

Petromod basin modeling software combines seismic, well, and geological information to model the evolution of a sedimentary basin. Petromod software has several applications. Classically, applied for hydrocarbon exploration, Petromod predicts if and how a reservoir has been charged with hydrocarbons. This includes the source and timing of hydrocarbon generation, migration routes, quantities, and hydrocarbon type in subsurface or at surface conditions.



subsurfaceAI 2024.1

نوشته شده توسط Super User. ارسال در مدل سازی زمین شناسی

Welcome to subsurfaceAI Inc. (formerly Geomodeling Technology Corp.), an international software company based in Calgary, AB, Canada. With a strong foundation dating back to our establishment in 1996, we have been at the forefront of developing innovative software solutions for the oil and gas exploration and production industry.


JewelSuite Subsurface Modeling 2024.1

نوشته شده توسط Super User. ارسال در مدل سازی زمین شناسی

JewelSuite Subsurface Modeling is an innovative, powerful application to quickly create precise geological models, regardless of a reservoir’s structural complexity. The application has all of the functionality and tools you need to go from importing and interpreting your raw seismic and well data, to creating a variety of models that allow you to generate a grid model that can be used as input for reservoir simulation and volumetric reporting.


Isatis.neo Mining 2024.04

نوشته شده توسط Super User. ارسال در مدل سازی زمین شناسی

Isatis.neo is a powerful, intuitive, and highly customizable software solution in geostatistics. It provides geologists and resource teams with an unrivaled range of geostatistical tools, machine learning, and Python coding to enable precise resource modeling and confident decision-making. Isatis.neo allows in-depth data analysis and visualization, complex geological and geometallurgical analysis, and in-situ and recoverable resource estimation. The software also enables extensive uncertainty and risk analyses based on simulations.



Flaresim 2024.2

نوشته شده توسط Super User. ارسال در مدل سازی زمین شناسی

Flaresim 2024.2 is a computer program designed to assist professional engineers in the design and evaluation of flare systems. The program calculates the thermal radiation, thermal dose and noise generated by flares and estimates the temperatures of exposed surfaces. It also performs dispersion analysis of the combustion gases or relieved fluid in flame out conditions. Flaresim provides a user friendly interface with program actions accessed by menu and toolbar options. Data entry is through a series of data views controlled from an overall Case Navigator view. Context sensitive help is available at all points to assist the user in the use of the program and selection of appropriate design parameters.

درباره PetroTools



تیم PetroTools با داشتن کادری مجرب، ارائه دهنده کلیه نرم افزارهای مهندسی نفت، مخزن، زمین شناسی، پتروفیزیک، لرزه نگاری و غیره می باشد. جهت تهیه نرم افزارهای مورد نیاز خود، از طریق منوی تماس با ما در خواست خود را ارسال کنید.